Details About the Planned December Update (Dec 14th Update)

*December 14th update ・Streaming schedule for the theater area added *December 13th update ・Info about periodically resetting gameplay data in the Simulation Room added *December 8th update ・Update time & date added ・Info about entrance area, video streaming feature, “Alternative City” area, photo mode, gestures, and New Year’s area added |
Contents |
・ Sandbox |
Greetings from the Holoearth Management Team
From Thursday, December 14th (JST) Holoearth will undergo maintenance for a version update. After maintenance is finished, the updated version with the sandbox and avatar creation playtests will be available.
Keep reading for more information about the update.
Maintenance period schedule:
Thursday, December 14th from 12:00 – 20:00 (JST)
*Schedule subject to change
About the Sandbox Game Playtest
A “Simulation Room” will be made available to playtest some features of the sandbox game that is being developed.
The purpose of this version is to test some features of the sandbox game, including network functionality.
After the Simulation Room test period, all of its related data, including items that were gathered and structures that were built, will be deleted.
*The Simulation Room test period will be announced at a later date.
*Since this is a playtest version, all elements of the playable area are subject to change before the official version.
*December 13th update
For testing purposes, we plan to periodically reset gameplay data in the Simulation Room.
The reset will include all data in the Simulation Room, including gathered & crafted items, building materials, furniture, and structures, so please be aware before playing.
The first data reset is scheduled for about one month after release.
See below for the features being added.
Multiplayer Feature
In this version up to 20 people can play simultaneously per room.
Gather various materials around the playable area.
Use gathered materials to craft a variety of tools, building materials, and furniture.
Build freely around the playable area by placing building materials and furniture obtained from crafting and treasure chests.
About the Avatar Creation Feature
A test version of the avatar creation feature will also be available.
The avatars players create can be used in Holoearth.
A male version of the avatar will also be available.
*The male avatar base design was provided by Masaru Sakamoto of Studio Trigger.
Avatar Body Type
In the avatar creation feature players can choose from two body types.
The various features available will change based on body type.
Players can change the appearance of their avatar.
In this test version, the number of avatar features, items, and colors is limited compared to the official version.
In the official version, players will be able to enjoy a greater range of items and colors for their avatars.
In addition, players will be able to customize their avatars with more advanced features.
Players will be able to change their avatar’s outfit.
The outfits provided in players’ inventories are for testing.
At the end of the test version period these items will be deleted.
We will reveal the date for the end of the testing period in a future announcement.
Changes to Entrance Hall Area
In the Entrance Hall area, the player guide NPC “Mithra” will awaken.
Video Streaming Feature
A video streaming feature will be added.
In the theater area players can enjoy watching streamed content with each other.
Special New Year’s hololive programming is scheduled to be streamed to the theater area.
Details about the streamed broadcasts will be announced by hololive production.
Streaming Schedule
・Dec 29 20:00 – 22:25 (JST): hologra Highlights (1st half)
・Dec 30 20:00 – 22:35 (JST): hologra Highlights (2nd half)
・Dec 31 18:00 – 23:00 (JST): holo Out, holo In 2023▷2024
・Jan 1 13:00 – 18:00 (JST): AyaFubuMi: Iroha ni Holiday Hark Back “Folklore Friends Under the Kotatsu”
・Jan 2 20:00 – 22:25 (JST): hologra Highlights (1st half) replay
・Jan 3 20:00 – 22:35 (JST): hologra Highlights (2nd half) replay
Theater area open period
From the update release until January 4th, 2024 (planned).
“Alternative City” Area
The “Alternative City” area will be added.
*This will be a permanent area
Currently this area will be under construction and will not contain playable features. Following the update, the city will be further developed.
Photo Mode
Photo mode will be added.
In photo mode players can zoom, change the camera position, and have avatars look directly at the camera to take screenshots in-game.
Screenshots taken with photo mode are saved in the Windows “Pictures” folder: Pictures\Holoearthl\Screenshots
Gestures will be added.
Players will be able to perform a variety of gestures and dances with their avatars to better express themselves in-game.
More gestures are planned for the future.
New Year’s Area
A New Year’s version of the Kyo-no-Miyako area is also planned for release.
Further details will be announced via X (@Holoearth_EN) and the official website, so please look forward to it.
Minimum System Requirements During Playtest
With the implementation of the avatar system, sandbox simulation area, and other features, there is a possibility for increased loads on processing capacity of users’ PCs in some areas of the game.
In this case, gameplay may become unstable even for PCs that have the minimum system requirements, and we recommend closing unneeded apps while running Holoearth to free up processing capacity.
We will continue to optimize and improve game performance in the future, but please be aware of possible stability issues during the playtest period.
Please check the Download page for information on system requirements.
*Minimum system requirements and recommended system requirements may be subject to change in future updates.
*Update contents and schedule are subject to change depending on development status.