Ver. 0.13.0 Announcement: Simulation Room Update, My Space Furniture, New Photo Mode Beta Feature

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Greetings from the Holoearth Management Team!
On December 25th Holoearth will be updated to ver. 0.13.0.
This version will update the following:
・Simulation Room
・My Space
・Photo Mode
In accordance with the update, maintenance will be performed as below.
Maintenance Date & Time
Wed. December 25th, 2024 from 12:00 – 18:00 (JST)
(Schedule is subject to change.)
(When attempting to log in during maintenance, there is a known bug where the error message “There is a new release available” is displayed. The correct message should read, “Cannot log in due to maintenance,” so please log in again after maintenance ends.)
Continue reading for further details.
Simulation Room
The Simulation Room sandbox playtest area will receive an update including the following:
・An expanded map size
・New monsters
・Bows & arrows
・Other gameplay features
The new features are explained below.
Simulation Room Area Expansion
The Simulation Room area will be expanded into a much larger field for exploration.
Temperature System
Changes in the time of day and other environmental factors will change the player’s status, even leading to overheating or hypothermia.
New Monsters
New monsters will now inhabit the Simulation Room. Some monsters have different ecologies and behavior to ones encountered previously.
New Items
New Equipment
New equipment will be added, including bows & arrows for attacking at range, as well as accessories that add stats.
Planters will be added.
Using these planters, players can grow crops and collect them in addition to gathering them around the map.
Seeds will be available for crafting at a workbench.
Wooden Carts
A wheeled cart for storing and transporting items will be added, allowing players to transport many more items.
New Housing Items
Antique furniture and various other housing items will be added.
Buildings & Items Catching Fire
It will now be possible for certain building materials and furniture items to ignite due to certain environmental and item effects.
Relaxation Buffs
Furniture will now have stats that offer various benefits when placing them in player houses.
Sleeping in a bed will allow players to receive these buffs.
Treasure Chest Drops
Treasure chests carrying items will occasionally descend to the area.
After descending these chests will despawn after a time, so players must collect them quickly upon finding them.
Players will be able to receive rewards from Mithra for completing tasks for her.
Available missions can be confirmed at the ProtectCube.
Along with the update for ver. 0.13.0, we will perform a reset of Simulation Room data.
This reset will apply to gathered & crafted items, materials, structures, avatar level, unlocked recipes, and other user data in the Simulation Room.
The “Slime Hat” item will no longer be available to craft in the Simulation Room, however, the Slime Hat awarded as a fashion item will not be wiped and can still be worn in the lobby areas after the data reset.
My Space
New Furniture Items
New furniture items will be available for exchange in My Space: “Kadomatsu,” “Kadomatsu (Small),” and “Festive Mochi.”
(These new items will require My Room instances)
Other Feature Additions & Balance Changes
・New items added to recipes that can be exchanged for recipe points
・”Beast Bone” will be added to Projection at the ProtectCube
・Changes to the “Stone Cooking Pot” feature and craftable items
・Changes to certain quest contents
・Changes to materials required for certain recipes
・New features such as the ability to respawn
Photo Mode
“Depth of Field (Beta)” Feature
The Depth of Field (Beta) feature will be added to photo mode.
This will allow players to take screenshots with a blurred background.
(Note: as this is a feature currently in development, it may cause a significant slowdown in performance for PCs that do not meet the recommended system requirements.)
Camera Control in Photo Mode
・Photo mode will initiate at the viewing angle the player is in when entering photo mode.
・Players will be able to hold Shift + movement keys to move the camera more slowly.
Camera & Robot Synced Movement in Photo Mode
In photo mode, the robot that follows the player avatar will move in sync with the camera.
Following Camera Movement
The avatar model’s head will follow camera movement.
By turning in the direction of the robot of the user who activated photo mode it will be possible to take group photos where everyone is looking at the camera.